Sunday, August 21, 2011

Getting wet

There have been some *ahem* unpredictable showers lately around this naughty newling. I decided to pull out my trusty umbrella to help all the moisture around me. *grins*

A new friend has helped a bit by sharing his clever sham wow, falling from the sky trick. *laughs thinking about the outcome of said sham wow shower* I'll take the time to warn you all about frisky sham wows. *shrugs* Who knew? Good thing for him I was around to save his ass, literally, from any further invasions. LMAO

So as I swirl my umbrella around I start to think dancing and remembering the moves to a movie I saw recently. Check it out and image my naughty ass do these moves. Enjoy and please be sure to clean up your mess when you're done.

*winks, smacking my lips, and switching my hips as I walk away*


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