Monday, July 11, 2011


A gift from my dear brother Gavin. Thank you, brother. I love it. It's one of my favorite stones.

Mystical Properties:
Opal is a stone of inspiration which enhances the imagination and creativity as well. It helps one release inhibitions and enhances the memory. 
Opal is also said to be a very spiritual stone, and can help one be "invisible" in situations where they don't care to be noticed. It has been known to bring happy dreams, and also to ease the process of change. 
Opal is a  silicate, containing water, correlating with our emotions. Clarifies by amplifying and mirroring feelings, buried emotions, desires (including love and passion). With this comes less inhibition, more spontaneity, free visualization, clearer imagination, and more vivid dreams.

Fire Opal: This is an enhancer of personal power, awakening the inner fire, as well as protection against danger.  It is a symbol of hope, an energy amplifier, facilitating change and process.  It supports through emotional turmoil, and is a wonderful stone in releasing and letting go of the past.

Healing Properties:
Opal are known to strengthen the will to live.  Linked to the heart, and told to stimulate the glands and regulate the metabolism. Opal has a beneficial effect on the human psyche, pouring a warm healing energy on broken hears and restoring harmony.

Fire Opal: This opal supports through emotional turmoil, and is a wonderful stone in releasing and letting go of the past. It resonates with the abdomen and lower back and the triple burner meridian.  It heals the intestines as well as the kidneys, balancing the adrenal glands and preventing burn out. It also stimulates the sexual organs, and is an excellent stone for warming and reenergizing.  

Magical Properties:
Energy: Projective, Receptive
Element: All Elements
Deity: Cupid
Powers: Astral projection, psychism, beauty, money. luck and power

To many the opal has been known as a stone of sorrow, misfortune and bad luck.  This however is a modern idea, and untrue.  The opal contains all of the colors as well as all of the qualities of all other stones.  And as such, an opal may be "programmed" or charged with virtually every type of energy used in all spells involving all magical needs.
Opals are worn during trips of astral projection to facilitate the process but also for protection.  Opals are used to recall past incarnations, and is favored by many to develop psychic powers.  Jewelry is the best for this aspect, especially ideal are earrings.  Opals are worn to bring inner beauty to the surface, and one should carry or use and opal to dedicated oneself to improving outward appearance.

Fire opals are often used in spells for drawing money. They are effective in use within rituals to increase passion in  a relationship.  It is excellent for working with the four elements and channeling the energies of the fire spirits in a positive way.


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