I read this on Lex's blog and enjoyed the read. I think it can help role players put things in perspective and try not to let things get too personal. It has great tips to use while playing. I hope you enjoy it as well. 


I stumbled upon this on tumblr and decided, after much self debate, to share it here. As a baby Role Player, I think that it’s something all new Role Players should take the time to read and consider before their next move. It’s good stuff; trust me.  I do enjoy my fun time as the honey-loving wood nymph and hope that my unhappy hiatus away from it will bring me some peace of mind to allow me to step into it again. It’s a game after all, as I’ve mentioned before, but bonds sometimes form from those imaginative  interactions, which have been – and can be – the make or or break of an individual’s Role Play enjoyment.

Welp, I’m rambling, so I’ll leave you to it. Play hard and play safe.

A. C. G.
