Trinity Springs

Trinity Springs Multiverse RP


HellRaisers Multiverse Club

Farewell and Love

A farewell to my maker and finding love.

Daily Missions

I'm a very naughty newling and my daily missions show just how naughty I can be. Check them out to see what dirty deeds I'm up to today.


I have a sensitive side. Read all about it in this post.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Supernatural Sanctuary

Supernatural Sanctuary is the secret project I've been working on lately. It's a social forum for role players to meet and talk to other players. I've included a directory area for players to leave follow information and story details. I'm hoping this will help potential followers to locate interesting story lines.

The site finally went live tonight and I'd love for you all to join the experience.

You can access the site at

Please stop in to register and enter your role playing information.


Daily Mission:

Daily Mission: Submit for the day.

Accomplished, given a gift for my submission, and asked to be a pleasure pet. ;) 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Empathic tips

If you've been following me from the beginning then you know that I'm a sensitive. For those just joining or viewing my site this means I'm an empath.

What is an empath?

An empath is a person that feels the emotions of others strongly. It's like we're a sponge soaking up the emotions of other around us. If you've ever felt your good mood or emotions suddenly change due to a person near you being down for any reason, then you may be empathic. If you don't take steps to protect yourself from unwelcomed emotions then people may be draining you, literally.

This post will be about how to protect yourself and ground your energies. I've had several empathic people come to me in the past day or so with issues I could tell were draining them. When someone like this happens it's a sign that either their guide is leading them to me or my guide is asking me to help them. I'm a helpful person by nature and I love to share my knowledge with others.

(Note: These tips can be used for anyone. Not just empathic individuals.) 

Grounding: Grounding is a good way to rid yourself of unwanted emotions and negative thoughts. There is no right or wrong way to do this and you are free to find other creative ways to help you ground your energies. Visualization is the key.

One of the ways I like to ground is to imagine myself as a tree. I sit in a quiet area, close my eyes, and visualize my feet or the base of my spine, if I'm sitting, is the base of the tree. I imagine roots growing deep down into the earth. One or several of the roots will reach all the way to the center of the earth and anchor around it. Once the roots are secured you can start sending the negative thoughts, or emotions down those roots. Do this until you feel like the weight has lifted from your shoulders or you feel lighter. When you start to feel light or vibrating, you can start the process of lifting your roots back to you. Take a cleansing breathe and resume your day.  Repeat the process as needed.

More grounding tips:
  • Imagining you are blowing the negative thoughts into a ballon, tying the bottom and allowing it to float away.
  • Writing down what is affecting you and tearing it up. 
  • Water has healing effects. While in the shower imagine the water is a bright white light flowing over you and allow the negative thought to go down the drain. 
  • Walking in nature barefoot. Your feet connecting directly to nature is a grounding in itself. 
  • Singing out loud and allowing it to flow out with each note you sing. 
  • Dancing and imagining its moving out of you with each movement. 
  • Clapping your hands and smashing them away. 
  • Breathing them out. Inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose slowly. 
  • Hug a tree or touch a plant. Allow it to flow down the trees roots. 
  • Imagining a cord driving into the earth to anchor and send them down. (Same as I described earlier with the tree) 
  • Holding crystals. Crystals are excellent for grounding and healing. Squeezing on them releases their healing powers. A brown, black, red, or cream colored stone is for your base chakra or for grounding. A clear white crystal, quartz, is an all around all purpose stone. You can use that as well to increase your energies and rid the negativity from you. 
  • Stamp your feet on the floor to allow them to be pounded into the earth. 
  • Listening to music. It can calm your energy and help relieve your stresses. Try to stick to uplifting tunes.
  • Imagine a white light filling you up completely and allowing it to push out the negative energy from you.

Those are just suggestions. If you've discovered other ways to clear your aura or energies then stick to those. Do what you feel comfortable with.

Protection: When you are empathic you need to guard your energies. If you don't take measures to protect yourself then you will feel like you're on a non stop emotional roller coaster with no way to get off. It will drain your energy, you will feel tired and weak constantly.

Visualization again will help you with protecting your space and energy. A way I like to protect myself is to imagine a white bubble of light surrounding my body. Know that nothing can penetrate this bubble, but love and good energy. Anything that tries will bounce off the bubble and hit the person directing it to you. They're feel it and eventually move on.

If you feel like it's not strong enough then double it up. Nothing wrong with a little more protection to guard what is yours. 

Mirrors are good too. Surround yourself with them and they reflect the bad energy back to its origin. Suit of light armor? Sure. You can use just about anything, use your creativity and again do what you feel comfortable with. Once you've learned how to protect and ground yourself you'll then be able to embrace your empathic abilities.

Well that concludes the lessons for the day. If you have any questions feel free to approach me and I'll be happy to help you in any way I can. If I don't know the answer I'll research my books, or looks for something online to send you.

Be well my friends.

Light and love to you all,

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Daily Mission:

Daily Mission: Have fun with my slave.
Mission accomplished.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Take them

I love a man that takes what I give him and begs for more.

Sweet tooth

Apparently my new shifter friend has a sweet tooth. *winks and covers myself in chocolate for him*

Jon Huertas - Sex is the word

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I will never look at the candyland game the same way ever again. *giggles and shakes head* It has inspired my new nickname. Triple C. ;)

Daily Mission:

Daily Mission: Find someone to bind and take me like this.

Fang fact about me:

Fang fact about me: Sinday is my favorite day of the week. ;) But then again everyday is sinful when I'm around.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rihanna - Rude Boy

3OH!3 - Starstrukk

L-o-v-e's just another word I never learned to pronounce,
How do I say I'm sorry 'cause the word is never gonna come out,
L-o-v-e's just another word I never learned to pronounce

Daily Mission:

Daily Mission: Get dirty in a shower. 
Mission accomplished.

Nickelback - S.E.X.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


This naughty newling has a new found affinity for rattlesnakes. *shrugs* Hey, don't knock it till you've tried it.

Room 2012 - Naughty but nice

Note to self:

Note to self: Find and capture some Brazilian wandering spiders.

Daily Mission:

Daily Mission: Find someone to take me like this. UNF! CUMBUSTS!

Foss Logo

I worked on this yesterday and made up a twibbon page. If anyone is interested in using it for their display photo on twitter, or on their blogs to help support Team Foss, feel free to nab it. We appreciate your support and continued interest in our ever evolving storyline.

You can find the twiboon page at

(I tried using this twibbon to display the logo on my avi and had some problems. If you are having difficulties as well, I suggest using photoshop, gimp, or another photo manip program to impose it to your photo.)

Thanks for stopping in and watching. See you all around the twitter feed.

Fang kisses, v-v xx 
- Viktoria 


Spoons: I never knew they had so many different uses. *snorts*

Monday, June 20, 2011

Note to self:

Note to self: Keep tart veggies away from Lex's lady holes.


In any sexual encounter there are exchanges made, most are obvious, but to an empath it's much more than that. There is a give and take. A power exchange that takes place. It can be a heady experience and addicting. When you are able to control the power flowing into you, sometimes it's hard to stop it before you literally drain your partner.

My first encounter with my new addiction was at the island. Being with the males was a rush in itself. All those willing bodies for my deviant desires. I quickly went through a few good warriors, before Sharon was kind enough to inform me of their recharging ability when in the water. That changed things for me. Being able to breathe underwater, I was able to go nonstop for hours.

That's when things took a turn for me. Feeling the overwhelming energy the male siren was pulling from the water, was too tempting for me to ignore. Something awakened inside of me with the influx of energy surrounded me. It was clawing to surface to gorge on the energy. Like a starved animal that had been lying dormant all this time.  I was unable to halt this part of me from pulling the energy from the siren into myself. I closed my eyes and relished in the power it was giving me. It took over me completely until I felt the siren cease his movements. I opened my eyes to look at the male, and was horrified to see the life starting to slip from his eyes.

I disengaged from him immediately and took to the sky. I didn't want to cause any problems on my sister's island. I fled fast and hard, my body trembling from the force it was taking me to control this new part of me. My hands felt warm, getting warmer by the second. I lifted them and saw they were glowing brighter than before and I couldn't stop the gnawing from inside of me. I looked to the horizon and saw land fast approaching. I was unaware of where I was, but I needed to calm myself and the new land seemed the perfect place to do this. My feet touched down in a small forest near a village and I collapsed to the forest floor. I tried to fight the clawing, the craving for more energy. It was demanding I feed it more. I tried to ground it into the earth, allow it to slide down my tether to the center of it, but it refused to go. It dug its claws in deep, attached itself to the light within me. I felt it start to pull my energy and I panicked. I refused to allow this thing distinguish my internal light.

My attention was averted from my internal panic as I hear a twig break in the distance. I flew up to the tree above and spotted a large male walking through the forest. Perfect. I flashed to the male and immediately compelled him into silence. I pushed him down, straddled his waist, and unleashed the animal I was tentatively controlling. It halted its sucking of my light, and moved on to it's new victim. I placed my hands onto the male's shoulders and began drawing his energy into me. My body shuddered in ecstasy as the waves crash into me. I writhed on him as the animal fed. Far too soon I felt the energy slow considerably. I opened my eyes and saw that the male was lifeless below me.

I scurried away from the body and stopped when I hit a tree. Covering my mouth in horror, I now know what this 'animal' is. This was not unexpected, in fact I was dreading when this would happen. I'd been waring with my body constantly, trying to ground and clear all the negative energy from polluting me. I had hoped with my recent home cleansing, it would lift the environment I was living in.

Unfortunately that was not the case. I felt my energy being drained daily, feeling fatigued, I tried to hide it to keep from raising any alarms, but you can only confine the darkness that resides in you for so long before it escapes.

During my researches into empathic abilities I had run into the word 'Psychic Vampire' many times. I could never understand how a person with healing abilities would use their gift as a weapon. I always chose to work with the lighter beings, the positive in life. But it seems that I've no choice in this matter. If this new part of me will claw and demand it be fed, or feed from me, then I must bring it
bodies to feed from.

I look inside myself and see that it is satisfied with what it's been given. I have no idea if this will be sufficient in the future or what the future holds for me. Perhaps I can get away with small sips of energy from several bodies? Surely a small sip here and there cannot hurt anyone, right? With that last thought, I resolve to do just that. I rose from the ground and scooped up the male to dispose of him before returning to my new home.

Sia - Breathe Me

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dirty mind

Better acquainted


Stone Sour - Through Glass

I woke up with this song playing in my head. My guide must be sending me some message.

"I'm looking at you through the looking glass. Don't know how much time has passed. Oh God it feels like forever. But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head."

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Daily Mission:

Daily Mission: Find someone to use my talented mouth and hands on.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Sparkles: The results from making a fairy cumbust.

Sick Puppies - All the Same

Adelitas Way - Dirty Little Thing

This naughty newling has snagged the attention of an Incubus. *shrugs* It was bound to happen with my insatiable sexual appetite.

Lady Gaga - Teeth

Daily Mission:

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Full Moon Frenzy


Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!

We will be using this chat room for now. If there are any issues, we may relocate to another chat room set up as a back up. Please enjoy yourselves and contact either Blood_fae or myself in here or on twitter if you need help. 

Chat Tips

Change your name: Click the green man in the main screen and enter the info in the pop up box.

Change your avi: Click your name in the right panel. In the pop up box click a pics below the username and it will load a new batch of avis to choose from. (I know they aren't the best ones out there, but choose one to help identify yourself. You can also use photobucket to display a pic of your choice. I'm not sure if it'll display correctly. I've tried it and only get a grey box.)

Private messages/chat: You can click a user from the right panel and either choose to private message them or private chat with them. Private chat will open a tabbed option to keep your discussion between two individuals. Private messages will be displayed on the main chat room with a lock next to the message. If you want to send a message back you'll have to click their name and PM them to reply in private. I suggest PC to keep it less confusing.

Thank you for cumming, 
- Viktoria 

Play room

Feasting tent

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


A nymph's honey can be very addicting. One taste and you're done for.

Daily Mission:

Daily Mission: Find a male and female to make this happen.

Full Moon Frenzy Reminder

Don't forget about the Full Moon Frenzy scheduled for tomorrow. Blood_fae and I have been working hard to get things set up for the festivities. Refreshments and food for all different species of supes will be provided. If you would like to request something to be added to the menu, please drop us a message.

We have also provided a bed large enough to fill a room and several private rooms for those of you who are shy.

We will post a chat room on here and on blood_fae's blog in the morning so it'll be up and ready for everyone to join in.

We hope to see you all there. Please leave your clothes and inhibitions at the door. ;)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Daily Mission:

Daily Mission: Find two others to join me in accomplishing this mission.

Fang fact:

Fang fact: Lack of pussy and cock can and will cause IVS. (irritable vampire syndrome)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Rainbow Obsidian

Metaphysical: Rainbow Obsidian helps to identify ones owns flaws and gives a clear picture of the changes, which are necessary to eliminate these flaws. Rainbow Obsidian is an excellent grounding stone and provides a connection from the base of ones spine to the heart of the earth. It is a protective stone that keeps one safe from emotional and physical harm. It provides a shield from negativity. Having Rainbow Obsidian on ones person disperses unloving thoughts that arise from inside or that are directed towards oneself. It brings light and love to ones life. Is used in gazing gor love matters, relationships, total development of etheric forms and physical forms. It's a stone of pleasure bringing gratification to ones life.
Physical: It has been used in treatment of self-esteem.

Daily Mission:

Daily Mission: Find someone to pull my hair and do my rough.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus

A Gift

A gift for my sisters and myself.

Daily Mission

Daily Mission: Find someone to do this to. :P

The Bravery - Believe

Friday, June 10, 2011

Jem - Come on Closer

Daily Mission

Daily Mission: Ride someone's face like this. ;)

Three Days Grace - World So Cold

Kid Rock - Sugar

Hard to remember if anything was real
Cold like December and I don't like how that feels
I been livin' a long time
I been givin' a long time too
And I can't believe I wasted so much time on you
But time has brought me back around
Back around to me
And I feel so free

Now who's gonna give me some sugar tonight
Sugar tonight
Sugar tonight
Now who's gonna give me some sugar tonight
Sugar tonight
Sugar tonight

Bad like Brutus
Hit like Joe Louis
I gots lots of cash
But I'm not Jewish
I'm not no nudist
I'm fully clothed
And I fuck hot pussy until it's cold
Got rhymes of gold Got a voice of platinum
I'm not Dwayne Wayne
But that's what's happening
I'm back in black and if ya have to ask
You can kiss my Anglo-Saxon ass
Now who's gonna give me some sugar tonight
Sugar tonight
Sugar tonight
Now who's gonna give me some sugar tonight
Sugar tonight
Sugar tonight

Hot like a toti
Smooth like Mondovi
Around the way they call me Bathroom Bobby
Sugar is my hobby and my greatest joy
And that's why they call me "cowboy"

No Jive I come alive like Frampton
I'm bigger than Seinfeld's house in the Hamptons
Cramp my style, go ahead and give it your best
But I ain't met a mutha fucka who can do that yet

Now who's gonna give me some sugar tonight
Sugar tonight
Sugar tonight
Now who's gonna give me some sugar tonight
Sugar tonight
Sugar tonight

Now who's gonna give me some sugar tonight
Whoo woo
Whoo woo
Now who's gonna give me some sugar tonight
Whoo woo
Whoo woo

They call me Shotgun Bobby, rock the young hotties
Jock the John Gottis, sock the paparazzi
Real life Fonzie, I roll like Yahtzee
I like stars and bars but I ain't no Nazi
So fuck you, fuck u in the nose
Fuck you and your flows, fuck you and your hoes
Fuck u and your mother if u can't understand it
I'm the illest mutha fucker on the God damn planet

Kid Rock - So Hott

I've got a body like the devil and I smell of sex. You can tell I'm trouble, but you're still obsessed. ;)

You can tell I'm trouble, but you still wanna taste.

I don't wanna be your friend...I wanna fuck you like I'm never gonna see you again.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A pet's place

A pet's place is between it's Mistress' legs.

Daily Mission

Find someone to lick me this good.

OAR - Shattered

Trading Yesterday - Shattered

Paramore - Ignorance

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fang fact about me

I always clean up the mess I make.

Daily Mission

Find someone to take me like this.

Accomplished and quite possibly a new fave of mine.

Drop your pants

Real Friends

*sits back to see who will flash their tatas at me* I'm waiting ladies.

Foo Fighters - Rope

To my lucky lover of the day. Thanks, baby, it was fan-fucking-tastic.

Mark the date

Mark the date and please join us next week for the first full moon frenzy. Blood_fae and I are hosting this party and depending on the response, we will decide if it will be a reoccurring event. 

Rules: Consensual sex only, no raping, bullying, name calling, fighting, or harming others unless the person you are playing with has agreed. If anyone has any problems with an individual, please contact Blood_fae or I for help.

If you have any questions you may contact us on twitter. @Blood_fae or @NewlingVik
We hope to see you all there.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fang fact about me:

Fang fact about me: I'm a switch. Some days I feel like using a whip or flogger, some days I want them used on me. v-v

Bullet with Butterfly Wings - Smashing Pumpkins

The world is a vampire...sent to destroy you...

Love this Smashing Pumpkins and this song.

Today's Mission

Today's mission: Find two men to reenact this position and many others in front of me. ;)

Yes, I'm a bit of a voyeur. Deal with it.

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