In any sexual encounter there are exchanges made, most are obvious, but to an empath it's much more than that. There is a give and take. A power exchange that takes place. It can be a heady experience and addicting. When you are able to control the power flowing into you, sometimes it's hard to stop it before you literally drain your partner.
My first encounter with my new addiction was at the island. Being with the males was a rush in itself. All those willing bodies for my deviant desires. I quickly went through a few good warriors, before Sharon was kind enough to inform me of their recharging ability when in the water. That changed things for me. Being able to breathe underwater, I was able to go nonstop for hours.
That's when things took a turn for me. Feeling the overwhelming energy the male siren was pulling from the water, was too tempting for me to ignore. Something awakened inside of me with the influx of energy surrounded me. It was clawing to surface to gorge on the energy. Like a starved animal that had been lying dormant all this time. I was unable to halt this part of me from pulling the energy from the siren into myself. I closed my eyes and relished in the power it was giving me. It took over me completely until I felt the siren cease his movements. I opened my eyes to look at the male, and was horrified to see the life starting to slip from his eyes.

I disengaged from him immediately and took to the sky. I didn't want to cause any problems on my sister's island. I fled fast and hard, my body trembling from the force it was taking me to control this new part of me. My hands felt warm, getting warmer by the second. I lifted them and saw they were glowing brighter than before and I couldn't stop the gnawing from inside of me. I looked to the horizon and saw land fast approaching. I was unaware of where I was, but I needed to calm myself and the new land seemed the perfect place to do this. My feet touched down in a small forest near a village and I collapsed to the forest floor. I tried to fight the clawing, the craving for more energy. It was demanding I feed it more. I tried to ground it into the earth, allow it to slide down my tether to the center of it, but it refused to go. It dug its claws in deep, attached itself to the light within me. I felt it start to pull my energy and I panicked. I refused to allow this thing distinguish my internal light.
My attention was averted from my internal panic as I hear a twig break in the distance. I flew up to the tree above and spotted a large male walking through the forest. Perfect. I flashed to the male and immediately compelled him into silence. I pushed him down, straddled his waist, and unleashed the animal I was tentatively controlling. It halted its sucking of my light, and moved on to it's new victim. I placed my hands onto the male's shoulders and began drawing his energy into me. My body shuddered in ecstasy as the waves crash into me. I writhed on him as the animal fed. Far too soon I felt the energy slow considerably. I opened my eyes and saw that the male was lifeless below me.
I scurried away from the body and stopped when I hit a tree. Covering my mouth in horror, I now know what this 'animal' is. This was not unexpected, in fact I was dreading when this would happen. I'd been waring with my body constantly, trying to ground and clear all the negative energy from polluting me. I had hoped with my recent home cleansing, it would lift the environment I was living in.
Unfortunately that was not the case. I felt my energy being drained daily, feeling fatigued, I tried to hide it to keep from raising any alarms, but you can only confine the darkness that resides in you for so long before it escapes.
During my researches into empathic abilities I had run into the word 'Psychic Vampire' many times. I could never understand how a person with healing abilities would use their gift as a weapon. I always chose to work with the lighter beings, the positive in life. But it seems that I've no choice in this matter. If this new part of me will claw and demand it be fed, or feed from me, then I must bring it
bodies to feed from.
I look inside myself and see that it is satisfied with what it's been given. I have no idea if this will be sufficient in the future or what the future holds for me. Perhaps I can get away with small sips of energy from several bodies? Surely a small sip here and there cannot hurt anyone, right? With that last thought, I resolve to do just that. I rose from the ground and scooped up the male to dispose of him before returning to my new home.