Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Newling


I close my eyes as rest beckons me and feel his blood rushing through my cells, burrowing straight into my very soul. He is marking me, making me HIS from the inside out. I embrace it's magic, changing my chemical make up and recreating a new me.

'A newling,' he tells me. I don't know this term, but if I enables me to be with him for eternity then a newling I will be. Being with him in our short time has ignited something within me I did not know I'd been hiding. He saw a potential in me that he wanted to capture and induct into his dark world. It thrills me that he accepts and encourages the dark urges that pulse within me.

Since he rescued me from his brother's fangs, it's been nothing but sparks and sparkles between us. Now he's fueled the sparks to a roaring that threaten to engulf and cinder me to a crisp.

I'm able to sense his bouts of awareness through the day and read his mind openly now. The moment the sun releases it's hold on him my body surges with heat and moisture, priming itself for his use.

My first morning I awaken with high hopes for a happy introduction to my new family. I'm surprised to see Gavin, my new brother and one time lover, holding my coffin open, urging me to rise and speak with him. He is the first to teach me how to open up to the sun and fight the sun's call. I encourage my body to accept his lesson and surprisingly pick it up easily. I look forward to my new sibling helping with my master's training. I am not let down when he proceeds to tests my mental powers as well. It seems my brother will be taking an active role in testing my limits and skills. My heart may no longer beat, but it feels as if it slightly swells at the thought of my brother's acceptance.


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